E-Catalogs: Engage Shoppers & Sell Your Story

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The patent-pending E-Catalog is the newest generation of digital catalog technology. If you aren’t familiar with E-Catalogs, think of them as electronic magazines. The use of E-Catalogs has enhanced the way catalogs are created and used.

The convenience of a digital tool like an E-Catalog is that the catalog can be updated quickly without a major hassle. Customization features are built into the E-Catalog program, so you can easily address all of your company’s marketing needs. This innovative new tool is an advertising game changer.

Today’s consumers are increasingly opting to go mobile, and naturally, advertising strategies need to be adapted to better suit consumer needs. E-Catalogs are perfect for customers on the go. The electronic catalog displays every product you want to showcase right to prospective buyers’ fingertips. E-Catalogs are user-friendly and allow for an easy and carefree shopping experience. They can even be sent out in targeted email blasts in order to reach the largest amount of in-market shoppers.

If your business wants to get started with our E-Catalog program, MAN Marketing can create a customized electronic catalog tailored to your brand each month, and even deploy it to your customers for you. Please email Ed Mallof at emallof@manmarketing.com for more information about our E-Catalog program.

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