MAN Marketing help companies to develop and execute strategic marketing plans that reach Hispanic audiences and achieve business goals. We provide all the services and experience that we offer our English speaking consumers to our Spanish speaking community. We speak the language and understand the culture with in-house Spanish speaking staff, audio/video talent and the most relevant strategic media buy negotiation in the Chicagoland area.
American Hispanics are one of three rising groups of super consumers, according to a recent Nielsen report (African-Americans and Asian-Americans being the other two). Why “super” consumers? The American Hispanic population is fast-growing (the Census Bureau projects an increase of 86% between 2015 and 2050) and has tremendous economic clout (estimated to reach $1.5 trillion in buying power in 2015, a 50% increase from 2010). These are the kinds of numbers that should have every marketer sitting up and taking notice.
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A familiar jingle is an essential component in all broadcast media.