Truer words were never spoken. Today’s media buyers are faced with a more complex task than ever before. The media landscape changes on a daily basis and just keeping up with the changes can be all consuming.
However, media buying is a term often misrepresented. Not unlike financial advisors, some media buyers do not act as true advocates for their clients. Simply requesting a proposal and passing on the paperwork to the account executive for presentation. Worse yet, some agencies do not have dedicated media buyers. Instead, they rely on overworked account executives who request proposals on the fly and never negotiate or revise them to best suit the needs of their clients.MAN Marketing takes media buying to a whole new level. We’ve proven that the right media buyer can improve the same media schedule by 25-30%.
Newspaper Ads
Direct Mail
Social Media
We approach all media negotiations with that benchmark in mind. Our buyers leverage the combined buying power of the agency for each and every one of our clients. Furthermore, we negotiate our buys on several levels.
For example, a broadcast buy is always negotiated on a cost efficiency level. We push our media partners to maximize our clients budgets with lower spot costs, better rotation times and more bonus spots. Then we negotiate commercial break position so that our clients’ spots are showcased rather than lost in between several others.
Finally, we turn to promotional opportunities that they may be able to include our clients in as an added value. Most agencies never get beyond the first layer of media buying. At MAN Marketing your can be sure that we handle your media dollars as if they were our own.