With fewer cars available and dealership grosses at all time highs, dealerships are pulling back from digital advertising and making the move to traditional branding strategies. Digital advertising has always been a race to the bottom in terms of gross and dealerships do not want to discount their available inventory. Instead, they are investing in…
In today’s digital age, we rarely go an hour without checking our email or sending a text message. It may come as a surprising fact that newspaper advertising is still one of the most effective methods of advertising for businesses who want to reach a massive number of potential customers. Newspaper advertising is affordable, easily…
Print advertising is NOT dead. Even though we live in a digital world, do not underestimate the power a great print ad can hold. Don’t overlook this potential resource if your business is not currently using print advertising. Seeing an ad on a car or billboard can be just as effective as an online ad….
It’s very common to hear people in the industry dismiss print advertising as all but dead. However, this is simply not true. Newspaper advertising is still a very practical medium to impact your immediate marketplace. What has changed is the way people react to the message in print ads. Years ago, people would read an…