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Home » voicemail messages
Nothing is worse than a BDC department with no calls to answer. Now, thanks to our Direct–to–voicemail technology, that is a thing of the past. MAN Marketing can now script and record your conversational voicemail message and deliver it to the voicemail boxes of your customers or prospects without their phone ever ringing. It's true! It appears as a missed call...Read More
Need a weekend promotion to lift the end of the month? Consider the MAN Marketing One – Two Punch! First, we comb through your database to find the most likely prospects to participate in a buyback offer. Then, we send them a highly personalized email with their name and actual vehicle in the body of the email. We provide a link for them to click through to a PURL (Personalized URL) that also greets them by name and reinforces our desire to purchase their particular vehicle...Read More
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