MAN Marketing Blog

There are many platforms to use for digital advertising. Facebook allows you to create unique ads tailored to your brand. Using Facebook for the bulk of your advertising puts you in control. You can determine your monthly budget, how long you want your ads to run, and even more customized features. Carousel ads allow you…

In today’s digital age, we rarely go an hour without checking our email or sending a text message. It may come as a surprising fact that newspaper advertising is still one of the most effective methods of advertising for businesses who want to reach a massive number of potential customers. Newspaper advertising is affordable, easily…

In this day and age, who doesn’t constantly listen to music? Whether you’re at work, at the gym, or in the car, most consumers enjoy background noise. Pandora Radio is one of the most popular music streaming services because its free and allows listeners to personalize their experience. In between songs, Pandora Radio places short…

Today’s digital marketplace is fast-paced and MAN Marketing doesn’t plan on slowing down. While many forms of advertising can be completed in seconds online, this does not cover all of the bases. Sometimes it takes more resources to complete a task quickly. Manufacturers can announce a rebate or financing program at any time, even at…

Social media marketing is a great way to get your brand’s name out there. Facebook has a number of marketing tools to help make your ads visible to potential customers scrolling through their news-feed. If you have ever scrolled through Facebook, you have seen a Carousel Ad. Facebook Carousel Ads are slideshow advertisements that can…

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